Much like presenting yourself to a group of total strangers for the first time, your dissertation introduction should grab your readers’ attention to urge them to read the rest of your paper. But what should be in it so you can provide your readers with the things they need to know about your academic writing? The following are the usual questions you need to answer:

Why Is a Dissertation Introduction Needed?

  • Aside from it being an integral part of your paper, how you introduce your dissertation to your readers is the first step in convincing them that further delving into your research will not waste their time. The introduction is as important as the rest of the dissertation, including the heavily detailed and researched parts, because this is where the readers decide for themselves that giving your dissertation more of their attention will be worth their while.
  • Think of how to start a dissertation and its introduction as creating the patio of your house. It needs to be both welcoming and interesting enough to hold your visitors’ curiosity so they will want to bring themselves around and actually take in your invitation to come in and spend some time inside.

What Should Be In a Dissertation Introduction?

Here are some of the things your introduction must be able to do to drive your audience to read more of your paper.

  • Captivate them with a compelling subject. Knowing how to start a dissertation isn’t enough if you don’t make sure to allow your readers to get lost in their own thoughts about your research. If your audience finds your subject amusing, they will keep reading.
  • Make your readers see the importance of your research. Aside from asking technical questions on how to write a dissertation, you should also ask yourself how you can mold your paper in a way that it will be easy for your readers to relate to the subject. Make your subject interesting or choose a subject you know your audience is already invested in.
  • Relate your study to other sources that your readers can be familiar with. This does not only make your dissertation relevant but will also help your readers refer to your study when thinking of the specific subject of your dissertation.

How Do You Write a Good Introduction? 7 Questions to Ask Yourself First.

Here are some of the questions that you should answer on how to write a dissertation introduction to ensure the success of your paper:

  1. What’s the scope or extent of your study?

Plot the grounds of your research, as your study can’t and is not expected to include everything that has to do with the subject you chose. Set the limitations of your research, so your readers know what to expect and to give your research more room to expand in the future.

  1. What led you to choose the subject of your dissertation?

What specific problem piqued your interest enough that you will spend hours researching it and making it the center of your dissertation? Explain the thought process involved that led to the decision of you choosing your research subject and make a connection to it with your audience.

  1. Does your dissertation have any academic or practical importance?

Highlight the benefits of your research if it is applied in the academic field, everyday life, or both. Find sources to support your claims, such as those that can be found in previous dissertations or other academic papers connected to your current research. You can also interview people who have something to do with your subject to find their unique take on the research and expand your perceptions using their different points of view.

  1. What do you want to achieve with your dissertation?

Did you write your academic paper for the mere purpose of submitting a requirement and passing a subject, or are you more invested in your research because it can help a certain field? Make sure your readers understand your reasons as to why you created a write up about your subject — it can be to improve a lacking area in a previous dissertation or to open up a new discussion that has to do with your subject.

  1. Is there any updated research connected to your study?

Aside from proving to your readers that your dissertation is still relevant to the current times, citing another study that’s connected to your paper also expounds areas that might not be included in your scope. This also gives other researchers the option to make their own study while also confirming the importance of your own.

  1. What is the research design you used?

The research design you picked should be in line with your research questions. The research design included in how to write a dissertation can be:

  • Descriptive
  • Experimental
  • Quasi-Experimental
  • Relationship-based

Your research design should play to the objective/s of your study, such as exploring relationships between certain variables.

  1. How did you structure the research?

When learning how to write a dissertation, the basic requirements when it comes to the structure are the following:

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Review of Related Literature
  • Substantive chapters
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices

In your dissertation introduction structure, you need to make sure that the outline is clear and easy to comprehend.

Strategies for How to Write a Good Dissertation Introduction:

Knowing how to write a dissertation introduction does not only give you the chance to improve your own writing, but it also makes it easier for your reader to understand you.

  • Get directly to the point. Your subject can entail a vast array of different information, but in knowing how to write a dissertation introduction, you must pick what findings should be included or not. Be sure to put the evidence you need and don’t sell any details shortly. Give a sneak peek of what is to come and what readers can expect from the study. Be clear, detailed, and interesting.
  • Proofread. After knowing how to start a dissertation, you must also know what to do after ending it. Be keen on your grammar and the paragraph structure of your paper. These help in making your study look more professional.
  • Let others read it and ask for feedback. Ask your professor or your colleagues to look over your work. They will be able to provide anything you might have missed or give you a better, more objective take on certain parts. Take any constructive criticism into account to improve your paper.
  • Revise. No revision is too much as long as it helps your paper communicate your points across better.

When Does It Become Too Much?

What do you need to avoid when creating your introduction while being aware of how to write a dissertation paper properly? Here are some no-no’s on how to write a dissertation introduction for your audience:

  • Uncommitted type of writing. You should write your paper in a formal way but not too formal that you start sounding detached with the topic at hand.
  • Information overload. Take advantage of your research scope and stay there. Make sure the information is relevant to the study.
  • Fancy words. Do not use extravagant words that are not necessary to your paper and might confuse your readers.

What to Do to Avoid These Pitfalls:

  • Knowing the dissertation introduction structure isn’t enough; make sure you know what you’re talking about. Understand your study and know precisely what it’s about and relay that to your readers. The quickest way to be sure if you know exactly what you’re talking about in your paper is to try and explain it in your own words as if presenting it to an audience yourself.
  • Set your research’s limits and stand by it. If you truly know how to write a dissertation introduction, you won’t fall into the trap of putting more information than necessary just because it is available.
  • Refer to previous papers that are connected to your study. Bridge any gap these papers might have left when they were presented before, and answer them in your dissertation when it has anything to do with your current study. Take note of important research findings, and feature them in your paper to strengthen the dissertation.

Do You Need Any Help With Your Academic Paper?

If, even now, you are not sure how to start a dissertation paper, and if dissertation introduction structures just aren’t your forte- or if you have any other reasons to not be able to write your academic paper on time, you can always turn to others for help. Our services are available to help you 24 hours a day, providing you with the exact requirements you need with a reliable team of professional writers who will craft your paper for you.